O-Week 2020 (Funded by our collective shopping)

Orientation Week, or in short O-Week, is an annual event dedicated to Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) freshmen. O-Week acts as a platform to unite University of Malaya undergraduates of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). It also acts as a platform where the seniors begin to inspire, guide and assist BBA freshmen to adapt to the faculty, systems and university life. O-Week 2020 also plays an important role in promoting UMBC's annual events namely Malaysian Business Student Summit (MBSS), Business Trip (BIz Trip) and Business Night (Biz Night) and hence to encourage them to participate actively in faculty programmes in the future. 

Understand year 2020 as due to Covid-19, this event has to be held online. DRigueur understand the vision, the mission and the core value in UMBC to organise O-Week 2020 for the freshmen with Theme: Becoming and Tagline: New You, For You.

Therefore, DRigueur provides Zoom platform to prepare and organise the O-Week 2020 event. Besides, Drigueur is providing financial support to the following event by offering a shopping platform https://my.shop.com/ibuyishop to the community of UMBC. All Market Malaysia exclusive products purchased by you, starting Today till Nov 24, 2020, 15% discount will be given to your purchase (promo code: 15OFFMA) & another 10% from product sales will be donated to fund UMBC near-future events in 2020/2021.

You can support this event by
1. Register a FOC (free-of-charged) account. Click here.

2. Start to shop at
on Market Malaysia exclusive products.

3. General recommendation of Health Supplementation (Key benefits: Faster absorption rate, Patented ingredients and Back-up by science, Halal-certified by IFANCA)
- Eyes Health: Vizion / Astaxanthin
- Heart Health: Fish Oil / Coenzyme Q10
- Gut Health: Digestive Enzyme / Aloe Vera Juice / Fibre
- Bone Health: Calcium / Vitamin D with K2
- Super Anti-oxidant: OPC3
- Liver Detoxification: Timeless Evergreen / Curcumin
- Anti-inflammatory: Bromelain

4. For any product enquiry, please email to support@drigueur.com or 33sherrytan@gmail.com for clarification.